How Can Standing Water Affect My Basement?
Dealing with standing water in your basement is never easy. It doesn’t matter if it is one inch or one foot; cleanup is always difficult. You may even put off taking care of standing water due to the cleanup process. However, you should not let standing water stay in your basement too long. The longer water sits, the more water damage can be done. Here are some ways in which damage from standing water can affect your basement.
Property Damage
Standing water can damage your personal property. This includes items such as carpets, walls, and personal belongings like furniture. The standing water eats away at the items in your basement and makes them weaker. If standing water is left long enough, furniture and other belongings can fall apart or be damaged beyond repair. The longer you wait to do a basement restoration, the more expensive it is to replace or repair the damaged property.
You probably already know that electricity and water are a dangerous combination. Exposing your electrical wires to standing water can cause you or a family member to get electrocuted. If you cannot clean up standing water in your basement right away, it is best to turn off the electricity in your basement. Once you have gotten the all-clear from a professional, you can turn the electricity back on. Making sure that electricity is cut off from your basement will save your family from danger and make it safer for the professionals who come to clean up the water.
Mold is the most common and harmful type of damage that occurs when your basement has water damage. Since the three main things mold needs to grow are moisture, food, and warm temperatures, your basement with standing water is the perfect breeding ground. Mold is not only hard to get rid of, but it is harmful to your family’s health. Breathing mold can cause asthma or allergies to worsen. In some cases, mold has been linked to other respiratory issues as well. Mold can also cause your personal property to break down more quickly. Calling the professionals for mold remediation and basement restoration will protect your family’s health and save you money.
Call On-Site Restoration
You should never have to deal with standing water on your own. Onsite Restoration offers basement restoration services. We have special certification for standing water cleanup. We make sure that all water damage is taken care of, and we restore what we can of your personal property. We also perform thorough mold remediation to be sure you’re your basement is one hundred percent safe again. We are always available to help you with your basement restoration. Give us a call anytime at (800) 993-9345.